Trust Our Experienced Professionals

At Michigan Meth Decon, we boast over 20 years experience in both the health care industry and field characterization of hazardous materials. We are affiliated and partnered with out-of-state drug lab decontamination services.

Michigan Meth Decon offers economically competitive services to make your property safe once again. Michigan Meth Decon specializes in meth lab Clean-up and Bio-Decontamination Solutions (mold remediation, crime scene, and bio-hazard/blood borne pathogens).

Bio-hazardous residue from meth labs can be in any and all parts of your homes: bedrooms, basements, attics, garages, sheds, as well as commercial buildings. Its contaminants and residues are odorless and virtually invisible. Prior residue can be left unnoticed and become a threat to both your health and property. Continued exposure to the contaminants left by a clandestine drug lab may lead to ongoing or permanent and damaging health conditions.

If you suspect that your home may have been previously used as a meth lab please contact us immediately!! Many homeowners are concerned with the potential costs associated with cleaning up a former meth lab, but the costs are small compared to the potential medical cost and liability.

One of the most dangerous and subtle dangers to a homeowner is mold infestation. Certain molds are extremely dangerous even with limited exposure, and the potential risks to health can be fatal if not properly mitigated. MMD uses several modern methods in dealing with your mold problem. We will find the proper solution for you.

Though not commonly known, animal infestation (rats, bats, raccoons, etc.) often leave waste and urine in our attics, basements, or living areas. Exposure to animal waste can lead to a host of health conditions and illness. Often, simple washing, covering the odor, or removal of insulation does not remove the health risks. Proper extermination or animal removal should always be concluded by an assessment for potential blood borne pathogens.

Michigan Meth Decon offers affordable solutions to help you the homeowner make your property livable again. In many cases we may offer installment plans to offset the costs.

Partnered with Bio-Meth Management
and NOVA Consultants

Michigan Meth Decon